
28 Movie Reviews

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you could always uninstall the software, it can be a pain in the ass sometimes since they keep on leaving a little backdoor to remind you that it did something for you once, but it is possible.

Is this the origin of "pizza guy's" obsession with her?

wow, this was YEARS before gamer girl bath water was even a thing, you were really ahead of the curve on this one

This is one of my favorite old episodes, though the concern should really be "shattering" teeth, but that's semantic. Really my biggest disappointment is that Mythbusters never tackled this one. I can even see the setup for the experiment and everything, molars or incisors, controlling for acceptable serving temperatures, etc. I mean, if it turns out you CAN shatter a tooth, but you'd need water hot enough to cause burns and cold enough to cause frostbite then it isn't a concern, but what if I'm at mcdonalds and it turns out if I take a spoonful of my mcflurry because the chicken select I bit into was too hot and BAM! Mouth full of tooth shards! SOMEONE needs to DO this experiment!

"passion of the Jesus" was basically a snuff film, I kind of judge humanity for making that film popular.

This was one of my favorite classic Foamy episodes, but waffles are like 90% of the reason I use my toaster so I'm afraid I wouldn't be using this product myself...unless there was something you could put in to get a waffle out...as long as it isn't your hand...

So back in the day you used to speed up your voice recording instead of pitch correcting it? That's how it sounds, I know this was made a long time ago so I'm wondering if this was a technological limitation thing or a developing skill thing.

I am also strongly against cancel culture, I have a very basic philosophy on this "If someone says something wrong or bad, they should be corrected or confronted, but NEVER silenced or censored." There are 3 very basic reasons for this, one is you risk looking wrong, if you feel someone else is wrong then you should be pointing that out, if you instead try to silence their position it can look like you don't actually have an answer or rebuttal to them. The second is that people root for the underdog, and the silenced party is often perceived as the underdog, so more people might actually seek out the person you're trying to silence and listen to them, which would be very bad if their rhetoric is terrible. The third reason is most important of all, if you establish censorship as a valid form of argument then it is only a matter of time before someone will try to censor YOU, and you won't have any ground to defend yourself against it. What if twitter gets bought out by some conservative billionaire who decides to remove posts and ban users who are supportive of LGBT rights? You have ZERO guarantee that you will always be on the censors' side.

I'm a toy maker, I make custom toys for people and sometimes I make little photo comics with the toys I've made and collected

Age 38, Male

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