
28 Movie Reviews

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seems like she's into it though...

I remember back when I still used aol there was that webtoon about 2 talking eggs called Weebl and Bob, is that the same Weebl? I was like 13 so my memories are hazy

This abject fear of contact with other people reminds me of an episode of "The Outer Limits." Quick summation, it was set in a future where all people lived in apartments where they had no contact with other people and all of their needs were met by an AI hologram guy. The inciting incident was when an old lady died of a heart attack, she had her pills but couldn't open the bottle, she called for help but even though her neighbors heard her they just ignored her, and the AI being just a hologram could do nothing but call an ambulance which didn't arrive in time. After that the AI basically locked everyone in their apartments and stopped giving them food and water, forcing them to break out of their apartments and work together to overcome his security systems to escape, all for the purpose of showing them how important it is to cooperate and rely on other people, then he told them to destroy his AI core so they wouldn't be tempted to live like that again.

It's probably because I was playing a lot of Smash Ultimate recently but the red eyes were giving me some real "world of light" energy

Abra, ally of women

so is this like some reverse furry thing? Is there a word for that? Is it Fleshy? Skinny?

since it contains small traces of zinc I'm pretty sure drinking THAT much will literally cause you to go blind

I feel like this was one of the most relatable episodes I've seen. (also, back when I had cable they wanted to charge extra for DVR, so I switched to a streaming service and they give 50 hours of DVR as part of their basic package which cost less than half what I had been paying before, so suck it cable!)

Do they even release NC-17 movies anymore? I think if it gets a theatrical release these days it would be at most an R, and if they had to cut anything they would later put out an "unrated director's cut" so they could again avoid the NC rating.

A few months ago I was at a con and they had some Smash Bros games set up, I hadn't played the game in several months and it had been years since I played with other people, and most of the people there were tournament players...so imagine my SHOCK when I actually managed to do really well, I think at my age the controls are built into my muscle memory so even after all that time my hands knew exactly what to do.

I'm a toy maker, I make custom toys for people and sometimes I make little photo comics with the toys I've made and collected

Age 38, Male

Joined on 12/8/18

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